Saturday, September 02, 2006

Eastern Idaho State Fair

I went to Blackfoot today, my hometown, and went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Before the Fair, we watched the traditional parade. Being election season, politicians attended as well. Various local politicians showed up, and some statewide ones. Jim Hansen walked the parade, and later manned the booth at the Fair.
Mike Simpson walked the parade. Tom Luna was there, but I didn't get a decent picture of him.

Mike Crapo walked the parade. Interestingly, the vehicle he used to carry his sign was a Rolls Royce. Odd message.

Jerry Brady walked along, handing out candy.

Ane Jerry's opponent, Butch Otter? This was his float, but he was nowhere to be seen. As he's been doing, he just mailed in a token effort. He doesn't need to face Idaho voters, he's got it wrapped up, I guess is his thinking. He may be right, but it would still be nice if the guy would let voters have some access to him.

Other no-shows; Larry LaRocco, and Jim Risch. Risch was sighted in the Pocatello paper, posing next to the parole officer wounded in a shoot out. The Journal published the photo taken by the Gov's office. Risch continues his campaign for Lt. Gov by shamelessly using the Gov's office and its resources.

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