Friday, September 01, 2006

Gas and Sports

NRP radio reported yesterday that gas prices have dropped nationally about 20 cents in the last three weeks. In Boise, no change. Regular is $2.99.9 has habe been for quite a qhile. In Caldwell, about 30 miles west of Boise, gas is $2.91.9.

In the Boise area, including the Boise, Meridian and Caldwell school districts, a parent has to pay $5.00 to get in to see a soccer game. My son plays JV soccer, two games a week, occasionally 3, and it costs me $5.00 to see the game. It'll be around $100.00 for me for the season. I pay property tax that supports schools, I pay sales tax for schools, and I think some general fund money from income tax goes to schools. So after helping pay for the field, the upkeep, the coaches salary, the equipment, I still have to pay a fee for him to play, buy his uniform, and then pay to actually see the game.

That just feels like they've got me over a barrel. In addition to all the other money, I have to pay to show up and support my son. JV Soccer games are 1 1/2 hours long. Yesterday his game was in Caldwell. Normally I have to take a half hour lunch and leave work early to see his game. Had to leave an hour early last night, drove to Caldwell, paid $5.00, and watched the game in which the coach did not let my son play for even one minute. I felt ripped off.

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