Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'll Be Switched

Here's a surprise. Hopefully he'll keep this up.

Larry Craig has kept a journal (sorta like a blog, but not really) of his REASONING behind his various votes on the immigration bills. He did a nice job with the journal, including some helpful links.

Boy, I'd love to see other Senators and Representatives do something similar.

Atta boy, Larry.

Now, please condemn Pres Bush for obstructing the investigation into corruption in the White House by commuting Scooter Libby's sentence. The Bush administration is always so careful to not comment on an ongoing investigation because they don't want to influence it. Oh, but it's okay to completely derail the investigation by removing the threat of jail time, which might persuade Libby to cooperate with the prosecutor for a shorter sentence.

Baby steps, I guess, are about all we can hope for.

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