Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sali Labor Day Picnic Speech

The video is of part of Bill Sali's labor day speech, and it pretty much gives the flavor of the whole speech. At the start, Sali tries to demonize Grant by saying Grant would support Nancy Pelosi, as if those folks know who she is. Not that the folks are uninformed, just that Pelosi is not so well known that her name will scare people. About a minute into the video Sali talks about saving Social Security and perhaps raising the benefits a bit, and saving Medicare, and paying for it by cutting inefficient government bureaucracy. He doesn't give any details about that.


Julie Fanselow said...

Truly weak. And he's reading from his notes, which he apparently has to do because this isn't from the heart, it's boilerplate Karl Rove/Club for Growth speechifying.

! I have heard and seen Larry Grant talk several dozen times by now, and I've never once seen him use notes - even last summer (2005) when he was in his exploratory phase.

The thing is, I've seen Sali talk extemperaneously on the House floor, so I know he can do it. But he's clearly being stage managed at this point, to be sure he hits all the right notes to paint Larry Grant as a Nancy Pelosi clone. Typical GOP fearmongering.

Larry Grant is his own man, but this video makes you wonder who's calling the shots for Sali.

Julie Fanselow said...

P.S. Alan, thanks for posting this.

Alan said...

You're welcome. I was also struck by him reading his notes instead of extemporizing.

Anonymous said...

In his speech Mr. Sali says that he would make up his savings by
eliminating "the inefficiency of governement breaucracy". So, what can he do that Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and successive Republican Congresses, including this one, couldn't do?

Alan said...

That's his claim, shamelessly unsupported by any facts or analysis.