Friday, August 04, 2006

Kuna Days

This weekend, Aug 5-6, Kuna is having its yearly bash, Kuna Days. I'm curious to see how it goes, because the bash ain't what it used to be.

I moved to Kuna in April 2003 and went to KD that August. Then, as this year, I have National Guard Drill the weekend of KD so I missed out on the daytime events. I did go to the street dance Saturday night, and man, what a party. It was pretty much alcohol oriented, as the three bars moved out doors to sell beer, people were walking around the closed off main street, dancing, eating, whooping it up. When I went to drill the next morning at 0630, I drove along main street. It was, literally, covered with smashed beer cans. I saw much more aluminum than asphalt.

I got deployed the next year and missed the 2004 and 2005 KDs, and during my absence a new regime was elected to run the city; a new mayor and several city council members. They promptly put a kibosh on the street dance. I wasn't here so I dunno, but this comment sums up much of what I hear about the move.
I for one would love to have Kuna days back the way it was before this current mayor took over. The town has enough law enforcement to keep any trouble down to a minimum. Instead the mayor and his LDS cronies are attempting to rid the city of this proud tradition...Blocking off the street having a Band, dancing etc and swapping it with bible study or something. Oh Mr. Mayor, How are your real estate ventures doing?
This year the new bar in town, Cowgirls, is going to hold an outdoor dance on its parking lot, and will have a mechanical bull, a foam party (whatever that is) and "extreme fighting". Presumably that's an organized event, not just what will break out late in the evening. The Red Eye Saloon and the Longhorn (two bars next door to each other) also applied for a permit to have an outdoor band and dance on their shared parking lot; permit denied. This morning concessions were setting up in the city park. I'll report on the action on Sunday.

1 comment:

slfisher said...

You know, 'that comment' is so full of crap it's hard to know where to start.

The town does *not* have enough law enforcement. A year or two ago, when there was a street dance, drunk people went into the side streets from downtown and committed all sorts of vandalism, such as destroying mailboxes. Even on a regular weekend night, there's tons of arrests at Cowgirls and all the neighbors are up in arms about it.

I don't really see getting shitfaced and causing vandalism as a very proud tradition.

Aside from the bigotry involved in the LDS statement, that has little to do with it. The primary LDS person people were bitching about was voted out -- and replaced by another LDS person, and she works at the bar! and if I recall correctly, the previous mayor was LDS as well.

The owner of Cowgirls has been trying to push the limits of his permits since before the place was built -- it was originally described as an 'upscale martini bar.' Opponents of the current mayor choose to couch it in bigoted terms and claim that anybody who opposes them does so because they're LDS.

The previous mayor had his own set of real estate ventures and cronies. The comprehensive plan done during his administration was completely stacked with developers and real estate professionals, and Ada County wouldn't even approve it.

I don't even know what 'parking lot' the Red Eye and Longhorn have.