Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A First

At least it's a first as far as I know.

The Statesman has reported on the upcoming visit to Boise by Dead Eye Dick Cheney to raise money for Sali's campaign. What makes it a first is that the article credits "New West, an Internet magazine" for breaking the story.

It's pretty common for MSM to steal stories from internet sites and report them without any credit, so kudos to reporter Greg Hahn for giving the hat tip to the New West. Too bad he didn't mention article author Jill Kuraitis by name.

Maybe the Statesman is starting to wake up to the blogosphere. Maybe one day it will start a blog like the Spokesman-Review's blog Eye on Boise, where you can find the best reporting on the Idaho legislature when it is session. A blog can post lots of interesting tidbits because it isn't space limited like a dead tree newspaper.

1 comment:

saraeanderson said...

Or maybe reporters at the Statesman are realizing how easy it is to use Google...