Saturday, July 29, 2006

Statesman Wakes Up to Idaho Blogosphere

But in an oddly twisted way.

Reporter Gregory Hahn writes
The Idaho Democratic "blogosphere" — yes, there is one — lit up this week
Hahn's story is about Idaho's blue Blogosphere reacting to the news about Sali's money from ROMP. Oddly, to me at least, Hahn refers only to Evergreen Politics, a Washington based blog, and to Fort Boise, which seems more center than left leaning. It does mention Kos, but of course not as an Idaho blog.

And, the unkindest cut of all, the story quotes from Adam Graham's blog, twice. It includes links to Adam's site, to a some campaign sites, and does include a link to Red State Rebels. No mention of Chris's posting about the ROMP issue, or Randy Stapilus' insights about Dem chances, or even of 43rd State Blues, which is probably the most popular progressive Idaho site.

Does this story mean that the Statesman is starting to get it, or that it still doesn't? Could be either.

BTW, Liberal Idaho has some excellent posts lately about Hammer Flats and a few other issues. Sara continues as one of the more thoughtful progressive Idaho bloggers. Tara has posted some very nice photos.

1 comment:

Julie Fanselow said...

Good call, Alan. I think the reporter basically began and ended his research at Red State Rebels, where I'd posted news of The Hill story, the MyDD and Kos follow-up, and the mention at Evergreen Politics (which I think actually beat most of the Idaho blogs to the news, which is how it wound up on RSR). I added a few other links as the week went on (and tried to update the links at Netroots for Grant, too).

As for Fort Boise, Greg Hahn wrote one time before about Tom's blog so he already knew about it and followed the path of least resistance.