Yes, that's Bonneville prosecutor Dane Watkins. I'm told that Watkins used to clerk for Anderson. I'm also told that Anderson has decided to retire; you'll notice he's not running to replace himself. I'm also told that he didn't announce his intent to retire until after the filing deadline. But apparently someone told his former clerk about that intent, and now Watkins is running unopposed for the judgeship.
Oh, and this is the same Prosecutor Dane Watkins who has apparently shown no interest in prosecuting Darin Palmer, Idaho's Bernie Madoff to the tune of around $60 million dollars.
"Rigged" seems a bit strong, but there it is nevertheless. What do you need, a majority "yes"? I seem to remember from past election results, the yes/no (and unopposed) judge races always seem to come out about 75/25. That is, 1/4 of the voters will vote "no" regardless (it seems) of who it is standing for re-election.
So, an anti-Watkins campaign only has to motivate a third of the regular "yes" voters to reconsider...
Useful reference:
Hey you. That last line is an unwritten post that needs to be ferreted out. Get on it. ;-)
Yes, rigged might be a bit strong, given that I am just reporting unsubstantiated rumor at this point. But, if Anderson and Watkins colluded and set this up - and again, I have not evidence they did - then rigged might be accurate.
I kind of have been following the Watkins case ....
I would get the filing document from the courthouse or SOS office- it should have the date he filed on it.
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