Former sports reporter Dave Testor was arrested about midnight and charged with domestic violence in the presence of a child. He was married to former news anchor Claudia Weathermon. As I recall, he was fired from his position, and Claudia quit hers in solidarity.
I hope this doesn't come back to haunt his brother Jon, the newest Senator from Montana.
I hadn't made that connection.
Over at Huckleberries Online, the comments say that Dave Testers dad is Jon Testers brother, and that Dave's grandad lives in CdA.
This mugshot is what's gonna haunt me. Yikes!
Dave's uncle is the Senator. His grandmother lives in CdA. Does it really matter? Should people really be posting comments on such a private and humiliating situation? This is a serious deal, one that has surely deeply affected this man and his entire family. They are all good people. We need to empathize and not gossip and speculate.
Sorry, if you beat your wife, and are a "public personna", and you get caught and go to jail, you have to take your shots. A big guy like Tester deserves whatever he gets. No excuse for beating up your spouse. One way for domestic battery to be reduced is for certain segments of society to get away from their belief that women are subservient to men. Until that happens we will be dealing with this horrible crime. As for the tenuous connection to the good senator from Montana, I don't think this will cause a ripple in the news and it will quickly fade away.
Sorry Alan, I think that was my bad. Dave and Claudia were there to celebrate the win in Montana and I had heard from a reporter friend of mine that it was a sibling relationship. But I found a site that said Jon was the youngest of three. Since Dave is younger than Jon I must have been misinformed. Let this be a lesson to not always believe "nitwit scribblers".
Anon, I don't know how "good" anyone is in this scenario. I just know what's been reported. Since these people are both in the biz, they certainly knew the score.
And Mark, innocent till proven guilty. This is just a charge. But you're right, sweeping it under the rug won't help.
Sisyphus, your comments are understood. Thank you for sharing them. I understand exactly what you are trying to say and you've stayed pretty objective in trying to state your opinion based on what's been "reported". In this particular situation, there is nothing "good" about it, I'll agree. It does not take from the fact that the parties involved are good people. I do know that much. It is unfortunate, inexcusable and certainly needs to be taken care of appropriately. I have seen on other sites some very insensitive comments made, generalizations, based on nothing. My point here is that we should empathize with the situation and wish this family healing in whatever form it happens in.
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