They gave me directions to the new place; the 7th Day Adventist Church, right across the street from the Fire Station. Here is the Fire Station.
Here is the Church. That people vote there isn't readily apparent. Looks pretty dark.
Look at the left middle of the pic; see the sign that says "Vote"? I circled it.
Here is the door into the voting area. Again, not real will lit.
Here is the door with car headlights shining on it.
Behind the door is the Church's gymnasium, complete with basketball hoops and the paint on the floor for a basketball court. Half court line, free throw line, etc. Oddly, the floor was carpeted and the court lines were painted on the carpet. I wonder how well the ball bounces on the carpet. Seems like it would change the game a bit. Maybe that's just a 7th Day Adventist thing.
I voted by drawing an inked X in the boxes of my candidates (only one of whom won) and folded over the paper ballot. Once again, I was the only voter in the building.
I returned after voting to take the pictures, and about 8:03 an Ada County Sheriff drove up and escorted some poll worker through the by-then locked door. High security for paper ballots.
All I can say is wow. I wonder what the turnout was in Kuna.
1340 votes for Mayor
2444 for councilpersons, or 1222 voters
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