Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sali's Lawsuit, cont.

Sali details his income in this answer to an interrogatory. It appears that he didn't make much money from his law practice. His stipend as a legislator and his pay as a drummer constituted much of his income in that period, plus some income from his law practice. I'm guessing around $15k or so a year from his law practice.

Sali eventually gave up on trying to establish economic damages in his lawsuit, on the grounds that he didn't want to "face such an invasions of his privacy."

Sali admits to two collection action being filed against him, one of which was for unpaid medical bills. I wonder if he refused to pay the doc who ejected him as a patient. I'll update this with the names and court file numbers tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a loser. Hopefully, he'll
prove to be one on Tuesday, too. I can't believe the good people of Kuna kept electing this guy, can you?