Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Idaho Election Results

If you look at the controller race, it tells you pretty much all you need to know about Idaho politics. The gal with the GED was elected to be controller over the gal with the MBA in finance and banking experience, by a 60-40 margin. All you need to get elected in Idaho is an R by your name.

A.K. is really pissed off.
I am taking real exception to you moronic pieces of excrement passing as human beings who went to the polls today with no clear idea of the candidates' qualifications or positions on anything other than you were going to vote Republican no matter what.
Stupid bigots dragged their knuckles to the polls long enough to pass the marriage amendment
Are you out of your minds? Just stupid? Come on. Admit it. You didn't bother to read or pay attention to ANYTHING about the candidates before you voted. Proves my point: huge numbers of Idahoans are so brainwashed, they'd vote against Jesus if you put a D after his name on the ballot. Satan would scrape out a win if he had the R after his name. It's an Idaho thing. Shame on you people. I hope the half-educated kids end up taking care of you when you're in the nursing home.
As Jeremy wrote in a comment "a fine bit of in the moment inspired vitriol."


Just Callin' It Like I See It said...

What he said...

Anonymous said...

"they'd vote against Jesus if you put a D after his name on the ballot"

My mom used to say that about my grandfather. But my GF was a hardcore 1920s Cincinnati Republican who hated FDR.

What the story is in Idaho in 2006, I don't know. It's days like today which remind me why it's nice to visit home in Idaho Falls now and again, but I wouldn't want to move back.

Anonymous said...

I left Idaho for a while after Frank Church was defeated by Steve Symms, feeling the same way. However, as you can see from my page header, now I figure "Why preach among the converted?" These elections are frustrating things, I'll give you that.