Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

First off, let's watch gas prices. Now that it's election day, the price can go back up. The three questions are when will the prices start to raise, how high will they go, and what will be the excuses offered? I expect the prices to start going up by the end of the week, certainly by the end of the month. I figure they'll go back to around $3.00 a gallon. After all, we're already used to that. The first excuse will probably be market instability caused by widespread Sunni reaction to Saddam's death sentence. Next excuse, recent lower gas prices caused increased consumption, thereby reducing inventories, and with winter here the need for home heating oil has blah blah blah.

Next, some good work by our fellow bloggers. A.K. at The Sniff Test has a blistering post along the lines of Luna-cy and Luna-tic.

Julie finished her enlightening six-part series discussing why Sali is a poor choice for Congress. She also has a nice piece on Sali's weaseling on the Proposition 2 issue. First he's agin it, now he won't say, in order to serve his Blub For Growth master. Check Grant's website for a thorough discussion.

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