Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dems Need Rebranding

I've been thinking about the election results which again saw Rs in Idaho voting for candidates simply because they have an R by their names. It's tempting to ascribe this to stupidity or apathy, and of the two apathy is probably closer to the mark. Although I think it was stupid to put a non-high school graduate in the Controller's office over an experienced woman with an MBA, it doesn't mean the voters are stupid. I think that many voters just don't take the time to really find out what a given candidate stands for, so when they get in the booth they go with what they're used to.

For some reason, Rs seem to unreasonably fear and even hate Dems. Unreasonable because Idaho Dems are so far out of power, and have been, that they have no power or ability to to accomplish their odious agenda. There is nothing to fear from them.

Somewhere in the past few years Idahoans put Idaho Dems in some mental box and never reconsidered. It might have been after the Reagan revolution, it perhaps was in reaction to Clinton, it might have been the spotted owl, I dunno. The real issue is, how do Dems bust out of the box?

I suggest rebranding. The Idaho Dem Party should hire a rebranding expert and use the next two years redefining the Idaho Dem Party. Some ads talking about Dem values and showing how they are in sync with Idaho values would help. Show Cecil Andrus hunting, that kind of thing. Create some room in voters' minds to allow them to think about how Idaho Dems are not Massachusetts liberals and about how it might not be the end of the world to vote for a qualified Dem over an unqualified R.

This article by Scott Stouder, a field coordinator for Trout Unlimited in Idaho, reveals great opportunity for Dems if they can get people to reassess. TU's interests are not aligned with R interests. I guess that a majority of hunters and fishers in Idaho vote R. However, that R vote goes against their recreational interests. Likewise, Butch "Sagebrush Rebellion, sell off public lands to private parties" Otter also does not support public land and its associated recreational interests.

I'd like to see Dems run some ads showing Dem support for hunting and fishing, public lands, clean running streams, protecting Elk herds from domestic elk genetics and disease, that kind of thing. All positive; don't mention Rs. Define Idaho Dem values. Don't let R's define Idaho Dems as "San Francisco Liberals."

This can't be done during an election. Time is too short, and the message will be overwhelmed by all the R money available to R candidates. This needs to be done between elections.


Anonymous said...

I agree something needs to be done. I talked to a friend,(conservative,GOPer), who lives in Parma. He said talking to his neighbors that they hated the idea of voting for Sali, but were incapable of voting for the democratic candidate either. So they just were going to leave that race blank. How do you combat that kind of thinking? You might as well just call it quits and only have one party. If, no matter how qualified the candidate is, voters are incapable or unwilling to vote for a change it does not bode well for democracy in Idaho.

Julie Fanselow said...

This is excellent, Alan. I am going to be sure our county and state party folks see it. You are right that this "rebranding" can't wait for an election cycle.

Clearly, the idea that Dems can be moderates worked in many other areas of the country, including right next door in Montana. And I think Jerry Brady's campaign in particular helped us gain ground on the public lands, elk herds, and clean water issues. I agree it would be wise to continue working on those issues in the off-year.

Another problem is that Democrats are often perceived - somewhat fairly, in my opinion - as people who believe we know more and are just plain smarter than other folks. It's the whole "liberal elites" meme. I'm not sure how we get around that, other than assuring people that we are the party that wants a better life and abundant opportunity for everyone. And stressing the issues you mention will help.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can see the "liberal elites" meme, and I suppose the egghead types do trend Dem. However, I recall being at Grant's Canyon County kickoff and talking to the down home folks who showed up there. If the Dems do an ad campaign, they could ask folks like that, farmers, retired people, etc, to appear in the ads.

One older fella was wearing a flannel shirt and overalls and was definitely not a liberal elite. He was just a typical Canyon County guy who didn't like the way the country was going. All in all, a pretty typical Idaho Dem, just like all the folks who showed up at Diana's Drinking Liberally in Gooding. We should feature those folks in ads, talking about why they vote Dem and how Dems represent their values.

My former mother-in-law is a Caldwell Morman, and she usually votes Dem. She was incensed by Bush's "Bring It On" bravado, and since has seen three grandkids (and a former stepson) go to Iraq.

Dems can do this.