Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Some Rationality, Please

I know that bloggers like to write inflammatory statements to spur readership. And I know that it is easy to generalize; "all liberals are weak; all conservatives are heartless. But this pisses me off.

We’re at war. We’re at war with the most inhumane, subhuman enemy we’ve ever faced.

This is a fact Conservatives grasp and liberals don't. 9/11 is but a time of horror to be forgotten, a law enforcement matter that should be handled as such. The primary goal of the American left is the downfall of the Bush Administration and they've placed this above national security.
I beg your pardon, Adam. I think that Jack Murtha and John Kerry, who have actually gone to war, have a much better understanding that we're at "war" than the chickenhawks such as Rove and Cheney who have never served in the military. What's really disgusting is that they are willing to keep killing our troops for just for political purposes.

Stay The Course they bark, which is parroted by chickenhawks like Limbaugh and O'Reily, two more who haven't served and have no family member in the fight. "Stay The Course. Cut And Run. Squawk. Stay The Course. Cut And Run. Squawk."

It is precisely because progressives understand the terrible cost of war, and because they actually care about humans and families and not just corporations and rich people that progressives are seeking solutions to the Iraq problem. "Stay The Course. Let 'em Die. Don't Look For Alternatives. Squawk!"

I'm a liberal. I think I have a pretty good understanding of our enemy in Iraq. I attended days of training to understand Iraqis. I went on mounted and dismounted patrols throught cities and the countryside. I talked with Iraqis, Iraqi soldiers, Iraqi policemen, shared Chai and meal with sheiks and families. I'm pretty sure that experience gives me some understanding of the situation, certainly more so than a chickenhawk or a fighting keyboardist.

Adam says "The primary goal of the American left is the downfall of the Bush Administration and they've placed this above national security." Probably the former, not the latter. However, it is irrefragable that the right's primary goal is to perpetuate GOP power and it is clearly willing to place that goal above national security. "Stay The Course. Let 'em Die. Don't Look For Alternatives. Squawk!"



Anonymous said...

Nicely written.

Anonymous said...

Nice Alan.

Adams amazes me with how he proudly mocks soldiers by his "chickhawk brigade" blog roll on his site. I don’t think the word “irony” means what Adam thinks it means, which is somehow unsurprising.

It also amazes me how the GOP gladly accepts the military personnel (and puts them in as many pictures as they can), until that person in the military steps away from the party line, then a war hero like Murtha is trashed beyond a doubt. One of the biggest issues I have with the current Republican Party is that they dismiss the good of the country for the good of the party, it isn’t about doing what is best for Americans, it’s all about doing what ever will keep them in power.

It's really sick actually when you think about it. Murtha has given more to his country than the Republicans have even dreamed about.

...But you know righties like Adam don't really care about the facts, they just get their marching orders, grab a bag of Cheetos, plop their asses in their chairs and peck away at the keyboard. Truth be damned.

Bubblehead said...

I think Senator McCain has actually done a little bit for his country in the military sense, and I'm pretty sure he's a Republican. My complaint about "progressives" in the debate about the war is an underlying naivite along the lines of "if we were just nice to everyone, everyone else would be nice to us." That just isn't the way the world works.

Anonymous said...

Yes, McCain has, and in the Republican world he is an oddity with his sense of duty to his country.

Bringing up McCain further illustrates my point; look at how the right has gone after McCain so vehemently in the last couple of years. You say one thing that deviates from the neo-Conservative agenda; you are ostracized from the ranks, there can be no dissent in the neo-con world view.

McCain had the gumption and initiative to make sure we didn’t do the things that happened to him while he was in captivity, and look how the right attacks him. He dared apply personal experience to lawmaking, worked with Democrats and drafted a bill that was ultimately dismissed by the Bush Administration.

Progressives on the left aren’t talking about being nice to our enemies at all, what we are talking about is going after our real enemies, not convenient ones. We are talking about fighting smarter not harder, using logic, human intelligence; technology and will power to break the ranks of those who attacked us (remember them? Yeah, I know most Republicans have already forgotten about 9-11, it is a little beyond their attention spans).

Instead Republicans are more worried about spreading fake menstrual fluid on taxi drivers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whereas we want to use unconventional tactics against an unconventional enemy, we want to employ brains and brawn to this enemy.

It’s not that we don’t like the Bush Administration personally (I’m sure Georgie would be a great guy to have a beer with and shoot a game of pool), it’s that we don’t like incompetence. And I’m sure you are well aware there can be no incompetence in the military or running the military, it only lengthens your goals and gets the wrong people killed.

Bubblehead said...

I can only assume you haven't been reading the comments at Daily Kos and Democratic Underground if you think that most progressives want to smartly prosecute the war...

Alan said...

It's easy to find the wacky fringe on either side, but it's fallacious to argue that the lunatic fringe represents the thinking of the rest of the party. Democratic Underground if pretty much the home of the most rabid fringe.

It's the hasty generalizations that I object to, but these have been working pretty well for the right so I don't expect them to stop.

And yes, I admire McCain's military service. I was thinking he'd be a pretty good candidate for Pres, until he started snuggling up to Falwell and his ilk.