Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sali's Bogus Supporter and Sham Endorsements

Bill Sali lists the "Sixty Votes Coalition" as a supporter, and quotes the following:
“Bill Sali’s anti-tax and pro-family record set him apart in the Idaho State Legislature,” said Paul M. Weyrich, National Chairman for the Sixty Votes Coalition PAC. “He is a proven champion on a number of conservative issues, and we look forward to the impact he will have here in Congress.”

According to this site, the Sixty Votes Coalition has been given $5,000 by Richard M. Scaife and $5,000 by Ritchie Scaife, two notorious wingnut financiers. These two donations are the only donations SVC has received. The SVC has donated ZERO to any candidate, and owes $73,199 in debt.

SCV Chairman Weyrich is definitely active in conservative politics, but Source Watch shows no mention of him being associated with SVC. A Google search of the two names, SVC and PMW, reveals only three mentions, two of which are from politicians endorsed by the SVC.

It looks to me like a total sham endorsement by a bogus PAC. Is Sali desperate for endorsements? Was he duped into thinking this one was valuable enough to tout on his website? Is this the type of research and critical thinking we can expect from Sali? Is he just shameless? Enquiring minds want to know.


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