Friday, July 21, 2006

Bush and His Microphone

You've all seen the video of Pres. Bush and PM Blair at the G8 summit. Bush is eating a roll, chewing with his mouth open, and Blair is talking with him. At the end of the video, Blair asks if the microphone is on, reaches for it and it shuts off.

What's really going on there? Was some stage-crew guy filming and recording the encounter, and shut it off when Blair asked the question? It looked more to me like Blair reached out and flipped the on-off switch on the mic.

If that's the case, that means our President didn't shut off his own mic when lunch started and the official portion stopped for lunch. So, what's up with that? Was Bush too lazy to shut it off? Was he too dumb to figure out that it's up to him to turn it off? Was he too focused on eating that roll? From watching the video, one thing is for sure; he didn't fail to shut it off because he was lost in thought.


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Bubblehead said...
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