After a rain shower, a beautiful sunny day in Kuna. Hay bales awaiting pick up, people picnicing in the park.

We went to the Farmer's Market and encountered several candidates. Don Johnson told us about how his next door neighbor designed his web site, his wife designed his brochure, and a high school friend took the pictures. (None of these revelations suprised me, since I've seen his brochure.) He pointed out that even though he has a different tie in each picture, they were all taken on the same day. A friendly, nice guy.
We talked to Senator Russ Fulcher, candidate Dan Dunham, and candidate John Vander-Woude. Fulcher was very polished and smooth.
JVW was endorsed by the Statesman to replace Bill Sali. I told him I was surprised that he is featuring education as one of his key issues, and he replied that "they told me" to front education as an issue. I'm always surprised at candidates who make a big deal about education. After all, nobody is ever against education; it's hard to differentiate yourself.
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