Monday, March 13, 2006

Sen Craig linked to Duke Cunningham

The Idaho Statesman reported on Friday, and again in more detail on Sunday, how Larry Craig received $43,500 from Brent Wilkes, who bribed Duke Cunningham. Craig at first insisted that he had done nothing wrong, but Dan Popkey continued to dig and found that two days after Wilkes's staffers visited Craig, Craig introduced an amendment that would have directed a $3 million contract to Wilkes's company.

Craig later decided to give the campaign contributions to charity. So, if he did nothing wrong, why did he give up the donation?

On Sunday, the Statesman also reported about flights on corporate jets taken by Sen Crapo, and by two SUVs leases by Rep Simpson at taxpayer expense. The Statesman didn't dig up any dirt on Rep Otter. I tried to link to the article, but couldn't find it online.

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