Saturday, June 14, 2008

This is promising.

I and other bloggers had an opportunity yesterday to speak with Idaho Democratic Party chair Keith Roark and Communications Director Chuck Oxley. I’m happy to report that they both seem genuinely interested in the Idaho blogosphere, or at least the blue blogosphere.

They both asked a good many questions, which revealed both their interest and their newness to blogs. It’s good to know that the Dem party chair has time to connect to bloggers who support progressive issues, while in Sandpoint the GOP party chair is presiding over a civil war.

I can’t find a link, but Heath Druzin of the Statesman reported Saturday that at the Republican Convention reception
there was a very public display of … friction … Gov. Butch Otter put his hand on fellow Republican Norm[!] Semanko’s shoulder, leaned in, and with dramatic gestures, launched into what appeared to be a less-than-friendly conversation.
Gov. Otter, of course, supporting Kirk Sullivan and opposing Norm’s effort to become chairman. Then there was this quote from Gov. Otter.
I’m not going to try to predict what another person can’t do, but I can see what Kirk has done.
Praise for Sullivan, but also a bit of “I don’t think Norm can do it,” don’t ‘cha think?

Fun times.


Anonymous said...

Boss Sullivan is toast:

Anonymous said...

Newness is a nice way to say it. Clueless on our motivation or utility would be another. That caught me off guard, I'm afraid.

You've done great work this spring. Idablue. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I did have to cast about a bit for the right word. I had a similar reaction.

And, thanks.