Sunday, July 15, 2007

Military Intelligence

Some things are eternal, and military thinking is one of them. I've been doing some National Guard duty, and had occasion to review requirements for when we drive out to our training area south of Boise.

If you're in a military tactical vehicle, you must wear a helmet at all times. Okay. Must wear a seatbelt if your vehicle is equipped with them. Not so good because it makes it tough to get out when you're wearing all your battle gear, but understandable. We didn't do it in Iraq because you don't want to get hung up in the doorway if you're getting shot at.

Back to the Orchard Training Area. While driving in the training area, all vehicles must have headlights on during the day. All tactical vehicles must have headlights off at night. Headlights on in the day, off at night.

For various reasons this actually makes sense in the circumstances. Still, sounds odd, doesn't it.

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