Monday, May 29, 2006

Web Sites

As of Monday afternoon, Memorial Day, Sorenson's site is gone, Sali's site is under construction, and Grants', Romero's, Adamson's, Semanko's and Vasquez's sites are as if the election has not happened. You can see the links at right.

Jim Hansen's site looks great and full of content, though I haven't explored it much. LaRocco's site looks good, but I find it off-putting. No content, pure sales, nothing to bring me to the site. Weird magazine-page-by-page style of navigation.

If you want to excite the netroots, make your site an interesting place to go, updated frequently, with lots of information and links. Post some videos

1 comment:

Julie Fanselow said...

Hi Alan, and thank you for your blog. Larry's website has now been updated. (You may need to refresh your page when you get there.) And we generally update the blog pretty much every day, sometimes more than once ... so that's the main place to go to see what's new in the campaign to elect Larry Grant.

Today, I have a post on three things people can do now to help elect Larry: write a letter to the editor, send a contribution before the June 30 FEC deadline, and volunteer for the campaign. We look forward to a fun summer and fall - and victory on November 7.