Friday, March 31, 2006

Patricia Kempthorne: Lt. Gov?

I see that Mrs. Kempthorne is apparently interested in being Lt. Gov. As my sweetheart would say "Oh. My. God."

Now, I know that the post is pretty unimportant, especially if Little Big Man gets elevated to Gov. I doubt he'll miss any chance to sign anything or do anything that could be considered at all important. This might be his only chance at being Gov and he's not going to miss out on his shot at a legacy, so he's not going to let the Lt. Gov do much.

But what qualifies the Mrs. to backfill for Little Big Man? Why would she be a good choice? After all, the Lt. Gov gets automatically elevated if the Gov goes. Gov Little Big Man could stroke out, or cross the median and hit a semi, or something, and then the Mrs. would suddenly be Gov.

Given her lack of qualifications and political experience, appointing her would be irresponsible. I'm not saying she is not a fine, intelligent person, just that she has no experience to lead the state.

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